Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Legalize Medical Marijuana on St. Croix

Christiansted Boardwalk
i have some friends that have a daughter with uncontrollable epilepsy. Her seizures are so bad that the many medications she is on don't stop them. The family has tried every cure they can find for the past 12 years and still nothing has worked. If we had legalized medical marijuana they might be moving home now. As it stands they are in Florida living in a state with laws preventing the use of medical marijuana.

When Colorado declared that marijuana was no longer illegal a group of brothers in Boulder were able to develop a strain of marijuana that doesn't have THC in it. Instead it has a potent ingredient that has been proven to reduce grand mal seizures which my friends daughter experiences regularly. Children that have epilepsy and have used this oil have shown marked improvement in their seizure episodes. So much so that they have come literally back to life after getting off the seizure medications that haven't worked.

The brothers in Boulder would just love to mail it to my friends but can't because it is illegal. This is a major travesty in my book and another reason why we in the Virgin Islands should legalize marijuana yesterday.

We are scrambling around trying to find economic incentives and its sitting right under our noses. Its growing illegally all over the island and yet we don't have enough foresight to push legislation through. Young men here are incarcerated for possession filling our jails with people who could be contributing to society. It could be our new industry. Growing medical marijuana that could help people with epilepsy all over the world.

The video is eighteen minutes long but the inventor of this new breed of marijuana explains on a TED talk in Boulder why children like my friends should have access to this medication. Go watch it...
and then speak up all over the island so we can get this legalized and they can come home.

It really could be the answer the island is looking for and i'm going to e-mail this link to all our Senators and you should too so they see how important it is.

i love this island and i want to see every one that lives here prosper. If legalizing marijuana is what will do it then why wait.

On another note i was in Christiansted yesterday looking for a baseball cap i could wear on our upcoming travels that said St. Croix. i found a nice bright orange cap that i plan to wear to get people to ask where St. Croix is or questions about the island.

A friend gave me a great tip for explaining where our beautiful island sits in the Caribbean. She said when she travels she tears the map page out of the back of the American Airlines magazine, folds it up and whips it out whenever someone asks where it is. Its easy to point out St. Croix and helps the questioner locate our little dot of land. i'm planning on doing it this trip because i think all of us that reside here need to talk up the place when we go off island.

So two things this week...push to legalize marijuana...and talk up the place when you travel.

Hotel on the Cay
See ya next week

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