Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Birding on Plum Island, MA and lovely St. Croix

About 35 miles north of Boston there is a barrier island named for the beach plums growing across its sand dunes. The wildlife refuge that encompasses most of Plum Island has been called a birder's paradise.
The best time to visit is during migration but even if you can't schedule a trip there then any time will still reward an avid birder with lots to see. The Purple Martins are the first to greet you at the visitors center where man made nest boxes make viewing easy.
Then you just work your way down the peninsula
along the boardwalks, along the trails and up the watchtowers for lovely viewing.
Wild Turkeys
Swallowtail Butterfly
Blue-winged Teals
Snowy Egret
Most of my wildlife shots at Plum Island were weak but we saw over 40 species of birds and had a great go if you are in Boston. Here in St. Croix its that time of year again and the placards are up all over the island. This group(and its not all of them) is at the Woodsen School stop light.
i've never tried the Johnny Cakes here but i love the color of their building.
At Jump Up i snapped a few.

 The blooming island is radiant right now and there are so many Flamboyants doing their thing it is really hard to choose.

 Also the Sargasso grass is starting to come in. H'apenny was loaded with it last weekend.
And to finish a drive down the Carambola Rd., a west end water shot, the seaplane at sunset, a Magnificent Frigate, a dingy in the mangroves, and a spectacular sun set brought on by the Sahara Dust.

See ya next week.

1 comment:

leslie said...

always a treat to see your photos,