Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Fewer taxes means???

i’m loving this Pope and want to repeat what he said this week.
“Many people don’t want peace because they live off war.”

Fewer taxes cause bridges to fail. Crumbling infrastructure...fewer taxes.

Too many potholes….blame….fewer taxes.

Fewer taxes cause lost jobs.

Uneducated workforce…blame…fewer taxes.

Bad hospitals…blame…fewer taxes.

Fewer taxes cause electrical blackouts.

Fewer taxes means more military and police.

Fewer taxes cause crime.

Fewer taxes cause dirty air.

Fewer taxes do not create jobs.

No mail…blame fewer taxes.

Closed public parks and beaches…blame fewer taxes.

Closed garbage dumps…blame fewer taxes.

“Personal responsibility” is a dog whistle on the right. It really means I got mine. It is a  talking point. It is a term that means if you aren’t prosperous you are a loser. It is also a term that accepts the unfettered freedom for people with power and money to manipulate government to act in their favor.

If you want unelected government(corporations) to run the country then go right ahead and vote for those that don’t want to invest in America and don’t believe in government.

If you don’t invest in your society you get crappy, expensive profit driven non-service. Think cell phones and all your frustration with those corporations…now magnify that across all of society.

See ya next week.
PS. If you are wondering why i have so many bird pics this week its because i went out Saturday for the annual Global Species counting day. Three of us managed to find 50 different species on St. Croix which is really good for such a small island and such a small group of bird counters.
Also for those out there still confused about Black-crowned and Yellow-crowned night herons the yellow is first and the black is second.

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