Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Every once in a while i take all the bits and bats of paper i have living on my desk and try to purge them.
Today is one of those days and you get to see the types of things i write down. Months may have passed since jotting down the notes for ideas for the blog, music i enjoyed, or some poem that worked its way out of my brain and onto paper.
i think its hereditary. Both my parents would leave little passages written on the backs of envelopes, bar napkins, or just scrapes of paper that you would run across as a book marker or find lying on a counter. i was always finding profound writing gems all over the house.

i would wonder what made them write what they did and why some saying was important enough to jot down. i totally understand now why they did it and when they both died that was what i wanted…their notes to selves.
The poem below i wrote after days of staring at a magazine cover with young ISIS men looking back. The picture was haunting…i couldn’t stop staring at their eyes wondering how the hell they got to such a violent place and still looked so young...also why the hell did we get to that same place?


dark thick brows,
black and blue
checked and pure.

silver rings and
chewed fingernails
whisps of hair

open arrogant gaze
with artillery now
points at everyone
who cares, who cares, who cares?

Not the best poem but i was feeling betrayed and also felt they had been betrayed.

Here's a brief God poem.

the GODS didn't
communicate with
men and women
those damn GODS 
only fluttered on by.
So moving on i wrote down some lines on scraps of paper that i’ll reproduce here.
“Political ideology provides a mental block.” me
“Why doesn’t everyone indulge in motivated reasoning?” me
“Not crazy to assess news events to see if they are real or not real. Isn’t it crazy not to?” me
“Infiltrators provoke violence.” me
“What is aggressive social media?” me
“A person is a person through other persons.” Zulu maxim
Water, sugar and yeast will kill mosquitos...i wonder how it works on fire ants?
Not wanting to completely bore you today i’ll spare you.

So see ya next week.

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