Monday, December 10, 2007

bits and pieces

Like Jefferson, i pared the teachings of the church down to the salient points Jesus made about conducting yourself with your fellow man.

i never went to the trouble of cutting up a bible, but writing down quotes and thoughts over the years has made for lots of bits and pieces of paper floating around. This is a genetic pass down from my father, whose tidbits we would find all over the house.

i've been rounding up my own scratchings that have found homes in baskets, drawers, around the computer etc. Here are a few:

All are brothers and sisters but of a different faith.

Every word atheists speak, speaks of faith.

The heart, the soul, the mind leave the robot behind.

When we went to use the word "spin" that is when our power over events world wide lost their significance.

Write a letter, a secret that no man knows.

Ask and find, speak and listen, the soul is in exile here, it is an aspect of light stranded in matter.

God is understood as existence, action and mind and morality as rational and benevolent conduct.

"Social Infection" defined as the use of words that denigrate.

I've been waiting my entire life for a "Peace" God to materialize.

"Criticism is the lifeblood of scholarship" Toni Morrison

i have no idea if i just wrote down things i was thinking about.
Maybe i copied some of those little quips from some other writer. The only one that had a name attached was the last one.

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