Saturday, December 8, 2007


This image is blurry for a reason.

Before I get started, here is a link for the Biblical Curse Generator, use it on me if you like.

There is no "true" Christian religion.
i say this because i have no idea which Christian church is the "true" one.
i'm so confused because they all say, all 1500 different varieties of Christianity,
that they are the "true" Christian church.

There is no "true" Jewish religion.
i say this because i have no idea which Jewish temple is the "true" one.
i'm so confused because they all say, all 14 different varieties of Judaism
that they are the "true" Jewish temple.

There is no "true" Islamic religion.
i say this because i have no idea which Islamic mosque is the "true" one.
i'm so confused because they all say, all 47 different varieties of Islam,
that they are the "true" Islamic mosque.

i'm confused, don't they all worship the same God?

In my confusion i have learned that all the rest of the worlds religions including the three main ones above believe in the term "AllOne". They just have different methods for joining up with the "AllOne".

So this one belief, amongst all the world's religions can be added to mankind's basic necessities.
For it seems, we are all hardwired for spirituality as well as aggression and peace.

OK....i'm increasing the human necessity list from 4 to 5 things we all need.


That is it for today.
It is pretty simple.
A short list of humanities basic necessities.
But it is kind of blurry.

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