Tuesday, December 11, 2007


i was watching friends surf today. Granted, these guys are really lucky not to have to share their spot with the hoards. They hardly ever have to share a wave, but today they did because of the way the sets were coming in. Watching them made me think that if these guys could allow a buddy the chance to get his own wave, why couldn't that be extended into society as a whole.

Surfers have better experiences catching waves if they co-operate with one another. If they are newly arrived and surfing at a spot with awesome waves and local surfers they quickly learn the etiquette for that spot. If they want to surf there, if they want to catch waves, if they want to have fun they watch for a while before trying to catch a wave. But, if they don't watch and they irritate the locals their fun time can be miserable because if they don't learn the ropes the locals literally come down on them from overhead.

Although mankind continually believes that force is the final arbiter of dispute. We, of the more peaceful persuasion, believe that learning what the local customs are plays to our favor. If we take the time to discover how to maneuver, learn what to do and what not to do, our experience in a new place can be full of positive interactions and fun. If we don't learn, and use aggression to get our way the experience can be miserable.

We interact with and rely upon others even when not intended. Our interconnectivity describes humanity at its best.

i wanted to say we are connected through our feet, but i didn't. Just imagine, all of us are connected to the earth because we have to walk on it, and move around on it. So by that definition we are connected even if we don't want to acknowledge the human contact. i started imagining all sorts of feet all over the world and what they did every day. i had to bring myself back from the billions of feet living on earth, i might have been gone for years thinking about all those feet.

We have two camps existing on earth at this juncture in time. Those that believe annihilation is inevitable and those that don't.

It is time to make a choice concerning which camp you belong to.
The choice is easy if you value family, community and the future of the earth.

The choice is also easy if you don't.
If you want power and believe greed is an asset then eventual annihilation of mankind is inevitable. The seeds for this are already planted, i'm trying to get rid of them by failing to water and fertilize. You can help.

Reminding mankind that new seeds can grow into full blown requirements for dispute resolution in the future is imperative. Someday using force to accomplish goals will be so abhorrent no one will dare attempt it. Some think it will take us thousands of years to evolve to that point. Others, like myself think it could happen in a few generations, if the seeds get planted properly.

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