Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Factoids and Pictures

A little factoid…less than 4% of welfare recipients are habitual drug users, 96% are regular people down on their luck. Drug testing those on welfare is a way for companies to drain more of your tax dollars into their own pockets.
As most of you reading here already know i’m a huge supporter of single payer health care for everyone. Many more people in the health care field have been speaking out about the obstacles most of us have to negotiate with our insurance companies. The fact that too many people still go bankrupt trying to pay off medical bills is a national shame.

WHO Director-General Margaret Chan said recently in Singapore that "Universal health coverage is one of the most powerful social equalizers among all policy options. It is the ultimate expression of fairness," Agence France-Presse

Putting health care for all above corporate profits is something i support.

Even with Affordable Health Care run by insurance companies 30 million people still go without coverage. Many more millions have such high deductibles they can’t afford to see their doctors just for regular checkups let alone major illness. It’s clear that we still have a problem.

What we really need is the national will to evict profiteers from the health care “business.”

According to Bloomberg the group of 20 finance chiefs(central bankers and finance ministers) who met Tuesday issued a statement saying “In some countries, potential growth has declined, demand continues to be weak, the outlook for jobs is still bleak and income inequality is rising.” This is the first time they have ever mentioned income inequality. Janet Yellen our Federal Reserve chair has said in the past year that inequality may pose an economic risk.

Yellowstone Grizzlies are waking up early.

Women still make 77 percent on average of what similar men of equal qualifications make.

Sixteen year old Malala Yousafzai warned President Obama that drone attacks are fueling terrorism.

Naomi Wolf did an interesting piece on how and why fake news stories are created. but what i found even more interesting was when she said that two years ago a law was passed that makes it legal to propagandize Americans.

“There were 3,959 lynchings of African-Americans in 12 states from 1877-1950.”  Alabama-based Equal Justice Initiative

According to the US Census Owsley County, Kentucky…a community of 5,000…99.22%white and 95% Republican uses Food Stamps more than any other county in the country.

Corporate Tax revenue make up just 13.5% of total tax revenue. According to Paul Buchheit at Common Dreams, corporate subsidies cost each US family around $6,000/year. Maybe we should start talking about deadbeat corporations instead of deadbeat welfare users?

i read a piece the other day that claimed parents should expect learning instead of expecting A’s. liked that way of thinking.

News Flash: Smoking Cannabis is less likely to land you in a car accident than if you drank alcohol before driving.

Samsung says its new TV’s can hear everything you say…hmmmmmmm

A Bankrate poll found that almost two-thirds of Americans didn’t have savings available to cover a $500 repair bill or a $1,000 emergency room visit.

44% of homeless people are employed.

When was the last time you heard that thousands of people were being hired?

See ya next week.

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