Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Lovely St. Croix, VI

i've been showing guests around St. Croix this past week and the same thing happens when ever we have visitors. i fall in love all over again. How can anyone not love St. Croix? i love this place and i hope you get something out of this photo journal. Link to the blog and encourage friends and family to come discover one of the Caribbean gems and our lovely home.

First day out we stumbled onto Bill and Sue Cissel giving a local history lesson to students from AtoZ Academy.
They were detailing the native use
of the Salt River estuary and their encounter with Columbus and his men. They had a bow and arrow, a canoe paddle, a cassava squeezer, and a three pronged fish spear which the student below is holding in her hand.
The students were asking great questions and we all learned something.
Up at the Park Service headquarters Charlie gave us more info about the estuary and its wildlife. Learned a lot i didn't know that day.
Beaches are always a fun place to go
and deserted ones even better.
Drink and snack stops are always important as is more
walking on deserted beaches.
Even with all the beauty we can't forget that we still have the scar left us from the oil refinery.
But moving on no tour of St. Croix is complete without a trip to the Baobab tree in Grove Place.
Mahagony Rd. had fresh newly painted curbs along side the hanging vines 
and Leap just calls out for a stop.  Almost anyone can find some carving to bring back home.
While the guests were shopping i was looking closely at the rafters maybe you too will see the bats waiting for darkness to settle in.
Further along Mahogany Rd more majestic trees can be found. i remember reading somewhere that the native Indians would tie themselves into the folds of the roots of this tree during hurricanes.
...and the Monks Baths are always a great stop. The day we were there the winter North Swell was pounding and we couldn't get in but the surfers were having a grand old time.

Wandering around at Estate Mt. Washington means you really need to do the labyrinth.
Along with all the old ruins and lovely plantings
there are Copper Pots everywhere.
But don't touch the Monkey No Climb those barbs are sharp.
Grab a beer at Rainbow after your exploring and enjoy the lovely vistas from their deck. Don't get too much of a buzz because you still need to drive through F'sted
and take in all the old churches they really are charming.
Whim offers up the best example of an old
working Estate and if its open it really is worth a stop.
Driving down Queen Mary Highway you couldn't miss the blooming flowers. i thought i was in New Zealand again.

If you are here when Jump Up is on don't stay home. Christiansted closes the roads and entertains the crowds with music, food and lots of great things to buy. If you come in February plan your weekend for Presidents Day because that weekend is Ag Fair weekend. A three day celebration of agriculture and food complete with domestic animals, birds, plants etc. Some of the best local food can be found this weekend because everyone is competing for prizes.
i'm going to do another Lovely St. Croix tomorrow and put up pics from the Ag. Fair and a great hike to the baths at Wills Bay. If you want a better look at the pics just click on them and they will enlarge. i don't want to bore you so come back.
See ya tomorrow.

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