Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Things that drive me crazy

Do these things drive you crazy or is it just me?

Dead friends liking things on Facebook that i know is absolutely impossible.

People putting value on things instead of experiences.

Buying something without considering how many hours you had to work to get it.

Aggressive people trying to manipulate you into doing something you really don’t want to do.

Not being able to find the batteries i need when i really need them.

Inappropriate cell phone use out in public.

Commenters on line that immediately accuse the poster of being stupid, a communist, a winger, etc. instead of sticking to the issue at hand.

Searching for something and its right where you left it.

People that have no patience.

Purple Gallinule at the Agricultural Pond


People in the 10 items or less line with at least 20 items in their cart.

People who are afraid to make a mistake.

Sensational news stories meant to induce fear in the population.

People believing things without checking to see if it is real or not.

The dead friends liking things on Facebook probably bothers me more than most things and i hope you aren’t saying to yourself…why is she complaining today? Maybe its that Full Moon messing with me this month…but i don’t think i’m alone here.

What drives you crazy?

See ya next week.

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