Thursday, February 19, 2015

Lovely St. Croix Ag Fair 2015

The St. Croix Ag Fair is a must do for anyone visiting or living on St. Croix. Usually i go all three days just to eat all the delicious food but this year we did the West side of the fair first. This lady in the orange shirt was selling strips of sugar cane to chew and suck on.
  This stand had the biggest squash saw at the fair.

You could go all three days or split the fair into the east side and west side and still spend hours meandering around. We did it in two days...slow and easy.
They even have colorful transport for those not able to walk the whole thing.
The big agriculture building on the west side has all the plants, produce,
The Honey man and Yvonne
and school displays.
Some of the craft stuff is inside the big building too.
Outside you can find the cows, pigs,
When you get tired you can go over to the music tent and listen to some tunes.
Before Stanley and the Ten Sleepless Knights started playing a guy came up on stage and played beautiful music on a saw that you would use to cut wood...that was a first for me.
Then Stanley and the dancers came on and rocked the whole place. That was just day one on the West end of the fair.
Day two meant waiting in line to get tickets because now everyone and his brother was coming.
We wanted to eat lunch so we went inside the food building and ordered up some
seafood kallaloo, stew goat, buttered conch, johnny cakes and red grout for dessert.
Later after
entering the promenade
we saw people lining up for Armstrongs delicious ice cream,
people eating lunch under the mango trees and others just limin.
One booth had a cool pic painted on.
There is so much going on it is hard to catch it all but we had a great time doing it slow.
Hiking is always fun and a trip to the baths makes for a great morning.
 When you come down off the trail you hear the melodious sound of water sucking out on top of the pebbles.
 The baths are inside that knarly looking rock
 But once your in they are crystal clear
 So clear you can see right to the bottom.
The vistas are so great i hope i'm not boring you.
 This is looking out of the baths back at the rock beach
 This one is from a view spot high up on the trail...and this last one is looking down from the trail.
See ya next week.

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